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Angular v8 has been released in the end of April. We have waiting for its better version. Since angular v7 will be supported till the may 2020. The better version just came and prevails the previous versions. If you are upgrading your angular app to v7 then try to upgrade it to angular v8.

Angular v8 new features Highlights

If we move towards the new features, these are limited. But limited features has much capability with performance. Just like first contentful paint and speed timing are beyond the description.

Differential loading

It is one the most important feature they introduced. Like in some browser support ES5 and some supports ES6. So Angular v8 has made this system dynamic. Differential loading loading loads different corresponding packages according to browser support. So no more conflicts with browser compatibilities.

$ ng build --prod will take care of these packages. You should not worry at all.

CLI Improvements

CLI is getting improved day by day. Before Angular v8. We can’t integrate third party javascript libraries to work with CLI. Now Angular CLI Engine is enough strong to get integration with other third party libraries to better development workflow.

Performance Benchmark

Catching wind of highlights is decent, however a major piece of the reason a significant number of us move up to new forms of Angular is to get a free performance! In light of that, we should look at Angular 7.2, and Angular 8.0.0.  Similarly as with any benchmark, you’ll need to run it all alone code to check whether overhauling will support you, yet this basic benchmark will give us a standard presentation correlation between adaptations.

Here is Angular v7.2 Benchmark

Angular v7.2

Angular v7.2

Here is Angular v8 Benchmark

Angular v8

Angular v8

Upgrading to V8

Upgrading to Angular v8 is simply a piece of cake. But in somecase, in bundle of codes it may cause issues too. So Simply I suggest to take backup first then try to update it.

Run this command on CLI:

$ ng update @angular/cli @angular/core

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Muhammad Yasir

Muhammad Yasir

Muhammad Yasir is full stack web developer and served almost 200 customers on remote locations. Muhammad Yasir believe in quality, honesty and punctuality. He technical capabilities are Angular, Nodejs, React, Ionic, dot Net, Firebase and Google Cloud Platform.

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Muhammad Yasir
[email protected]
Moh. Bazdar, Jalalpur Pirwala, Multan, PK 59250